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Live Scores - Live Sports Results by xScoresAPI (JSON or XML) Live Data Feed Real time data feed solutions for betting, sports, media and Internet companies in JSON or XML format API. For more information about our products and services please Click here Services For information regarding advertising, employment, results or general enquiries please Contact Us Mobile Apps Our app is now available on Google Play.
Kljub temu pa se je Rogaški skozi tekmo uspelo približati nasprotniku, ko v 35. minuti so prevzeli vodstvo ter ga do konca igre niso predali. Rogaška: Vujačić 28, Armstrong II in Jackson JR po 17, Primorac 14, Šikanič 6, Zupan 2. Helios Suns: Prepelič 19, Šantelj 15, Ervin 14, Pašajlić 13, Bratec 8, Jois 6, Oman 5.
Rogaska vs Helios Domzale 18/11/2022 18:00 Basketball Events & ResultKK Rogaska vs Helios Domzale live streamingBasketball League never ceases to amuse us. Watch the KK Rogaska vs Helios Domzale live streaming on – it is sure to be exciting. At 18 November 2022, a free live stream of the match will begin. To watch the live stream, all you have to do is sign up for an account online.
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KZSPokal članicLjubljana - Po določitvi polfinalnih parov zaključnega turnirja Pokala članic, ki so bili izžrebani na sedežu Košarkarske zveze Slovenije, sta danes znana še lokacija in razpored turnirja. Finalni turnir bo potekal v Slovenskih Konjicah, kjer bomo bili poleg napetim tekmam priča tudi pestremu spremljevalnemu programu. V soboto, 18.
Round 11, Rogaška - Helios Suns, highlights: NLB ABA League 2Take a look at the highlights of the 2021/22 season NLB ABA League 2 game between Rogaška and Helios Suns in Pecara Sports Hall, Široki Brijeg. (Photo: ABA League j. t. d. /Dragana Stjepanovic) Join thousands of ABA League fans in our digital community by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter or Instagram and subscribing to our YouTube channel. If you like this and our other articles, make sure to sign up for the ABA League newsletter.
Rogaska - Helios Domzale, 13.01.2016 - H2H stats, results
Fans will be able to watch this demanding test from Laktaši live on Arena Sport 1. STATEMENTS AFTER THE GAME Teo Čizmić, Assistant Coach of KK Cedevita Olimpija: “This defeat showed what our sidelines situation looks like. Helios Suns played better, more aggressively, and compact than us. Our young team had too many turnovers and we did not get back on the defense fast enough.
Zmaji prek Heliosa do nove lovorike - SportklubKošarkarji Cedevite Olimpije so novo sezono začeli z zmago v slovenskem superpokalu. V Škofji Loki so brez težav premagali Helios Suns s 112:85 (26:16, 58:39, 90:65). To je zanje tretji zaporedni naslov v tem tekmovanju, 11. skupno. Ljubljančani so obračun v Škofje Loki odprli z delnim izidom 13:1.
KK Šentjur: KK Hopsi Polzela 89: 79 (19:18 17:13 26:19 27:29) Na isti dan kot Rogaška je slavil tudi Šentjur. Tekma se je začela z večkratno menjavo vodstev, to pa je v drugi četrtini prevzel Šentjur ter jo z vedno večjo razliko obdržal do konca tekme. Najboljši igralci Šentjurja so bili Tomažič z 20 točkami ter Brunčević, Holmes in Rikalo z vsak po 15. točkami. S to igro Šentjur ostaja na 8. mestu lestvice lige Nova KBM.
Rogaska vs Helios Suns free live score and video stream(2014/04/09)AiScore App Watch Live Stream For Free Download Liga Nova KBM APR 09, 23:59 Rogaska FT 73 - 77 HT 29 - 36 Helios Suns Basketball LiveScore Liga Nova KBM Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 OT Total 18 21 11 15 24 17 5 9 73 77 2 points 0 0 3 points Free throws Rebounds Foul 0 Turnovers 0 H2H More Last 6, Rogaska Win 1, Lose 5, PTS 61. 5 and OPP PTS 71.
Košarkarski klub Podčetrtek
The Ljubljana team, which this time performed without Dan Duščak due to health problems, is returning to the Slovenian capital with one point. In the first half, Domžale limited the offense of the Ljubljana team with a compact and solid defense. The home team, which scored nine three-pointers in the first 20 minutes, gained a 22-point lead by halftime. With a desire to prove themselves, the Ljubljana basketball players continued to fight in the second half as well, but they could not close the gap in scoring and eventually had to congratulate their opponents for a 50-point victory.
(ŠPORT V ŽIVO@@) Helios Suns vs Škofja Loka v - FK Borek
Defeated in Domžale but lesson learned | KK Cedevita Olimpija, LjubljanaCedevita Olimpija’s young squad suffered their second defeat in the second part of the season in Domžale Sports Hall. In the third round of the Nova KBM League Helios Suns got the better of them with the score 100:50. The young hopes of Cedevita Olimpija and Slovenian basketball suffered their second consecutive defeat in the Nova KBM League Championship stage in Domžale. After Rogaška’s buzzer-beater was fatal for Dragons in Stožice a week ago, the selected junior players, led by Teo Čizmić, were defeated this time by the Helios Suns. After 40 minutes of play, the scoreboard in Domžale Sports Hall showed 100:50 in favor of the home team.
We have to learn by our mistakes and move on. ” Luka Ščuka, Player of KK Cedevita Olimpija: “It is hard to say anything after a game like this. It is important to learn something from this and continue to improve game after game. ” NOVA KBM LEAGUE, ROUND 3 ŠD Domžale (Domžale, Slovenia), Thursday, March 11: HELIOS SUNS – CEDEVITA OLIMPIJA 100:50(21:10, 23:12, 31:15, 25:13) Cedevita Olimpija: Radović 7 (6 rebounds), Ščuka 22 (9 rebounds), Jurković 4, Đurkić, Jovanović 6, Daneu 4, Nagode, Todorović 7, Jug, Kočevar. STATS GALLERY STANDINGS M Ekipa T Z P TČ 1. Terme O.
Helios Domzale - Rogaska Crystal · 28.01.2023
You'll be able to completely immerse yourself in the realm of sports combat after that. We'd like to extend our best wishes to you as well! We have also prepared a predictions for the game of KK Rogaska vs Helios Domzale on 18 November 2022. It includes very important recommendations, thanks to which you will be able to correctly assess all the risks. We always take a responsible approach to the study of sports events. So we strongly recommend taking the time to study useful materials. Moreover, it won't take much time.
Domžalčani so jim vrnili s serijo 10:0 in znižali prednost, nato pa so vajeti znova v roke prevzeli favorizirani zmaji in že prvo četrtino dobili za deset točk (26:16). V drugi četrtini so prednost le še povišali in na odmor ob polčasu odšli s prednostjo 19 točk. Cedevita je prvem polčasu dosegla kar 58 točk, zadela je sedem trojk – po dve Yogi Ferrell, Mirko Mulalić in Joshua Adams. Po košem se je izkazal tudi Alen Omić s desetimi točkami, pri Heliosu pa je bil edin razpoložen Lovro Buljević z 11 točkami.
Rogaška - Helios Suns
Among the scorers, Luka Ščuka proved himself again, collecting 22 points and eight rebounds. Rok Radović scored seven points and grabbed six rebounds. Nil Jovanović finished the game with six points, Žiga Daneu and Robert Jurković with four. Since the return from Podgorica, the first team has been actively preparing for Saturday’s clash of the 21st round of the ABA League with Igokea.
1. SKL: Rogaška z zmago nad vodilnim Helios Suns, Šentjur prav tako slavil - Kozjansko. info16. 2022 13:01 KK Rogaška: KK Helios Suns 84: 80 (18:28 30:20 14:18 22:14) V 14. krogu lige je KK Rogaška po zelo napeti tekmi na domačih tleh s 84: 80 premagal Helios Suns ter prekinil niz desetih zmag trenutno na lestvici najvišje uvrščenega kluba. Domžalčani so v tej sezoni tokrat izgubili šele drugič, za Rogaško pa je to peta zmaga. Tekma se je začela v prid Helios Suns, saj so imeli ob koncu prve četrtine kar 12 točk prednosti.
Zmaji so v strelskem šovu, v katerem so zadeli kar 17 trojk, brez težav zadržali prednost tudi v drugem delu in se brez težav sprehodili do 11. superpokalne lovorike. Ferrell je bil na koncu s 27 točkami (6 trojk) izbran tudi za najboljšega igralca tekme. Izkazal se je tudi Amar Alibegović s 17 točkami in Omić in Marko Jeremić s 13 točkami. Pr Heliosu je bil na koncu najučinkovitejši Tibor Mirtič z 19 točkami. Vrhunci 1. četrtine: Vrhunci 2. četrtine: Vrhunci 3. četrtina: Vrhunci 4.
[[[TV v živo#]''']] Helios Suns vs Škofja Loka v - תהילה אביטל